
Ryan Gosling Research Paper

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Much more than just a big-screen heart-throb, Ryan Gosling is a highly recognizable Canadian actor and generous humanitarian. Having been involved in over 8 charity causes, including Invisible Children, SickKids Foundation, PETA, and several others (Look To The Stars).

Although Gosling has been involved with many causes, he has yet to be the face of one and fully represent a brand and organization. He would be an excellent fit as the face of War Child because he has seen the first-hand effects of war. In 2011, Gosling visited the Congo during their deadly war, which affected millions of people. On this trip he was able to see first hand how war affects families and what it can do to children (Huffington Post).

In addition to seeing the effects the war can have on a nation, Gosling has also been a known supporter of Invisible Children, an organization that is directly involved with stopping the use of child soldiers (Paste Magazine). A combination of these two previous experiences gives Gosling the background knowledge and empathetic value that would make him suitable to represent War Child as a …show more content…

In 2016, An article published by Medium explained how a combination or his talent and charisma make him such a popular celebrity and so well-liked by both younger and older generations (Medium). This makes him perfect to represent War Child because of his ability to appeal to such a wide audience. On top of him being a recognizable face, Gosling is also Canadian born and raised which makes him much more likely to be willing to represent this Canadian sector of War Child (Wikipedia). Becoming an advocate and ambassador for this organization would be beneficial to Gosling because of how it will make him more well-known as a humanitarian and show a different side of him that the public doesn’t always get to

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