A towering, spiny plant extends its arms up toward the clouds, its beautiful green color contrasting against the stark, blue sky. It’s an iconic picture, a symbol many people associate with the desert. This is the Saguaro Cactus, a plant that can live as long as 150 years. Although its growth-rate is remarkably slow, this cactus is one of the tallest plants in the desert. The Saguaro Cactus is well adapted to desert life, and it provides a good home and food for many animals.
To begin with, the Saguaro Cactus has adjusted to survive in the desert in a variety of ways. Because of the heat in the desert, Saguaro Cacti have waxy skin to prevent moisture loss. With as dry as the desert is, this adaptation is vital to its survival. Furthermore, It holds water in its stem, which is pleated like an accordion, so it can expand and hold more water.
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The snake is one animal that uses the Saguaro Cactus for shelter while the scorpion takes advantage of its height and the shadow it casts, taking shelter from the sun. Additionally, many birds can be seen perched on the big cactus. Woodpeckers even carve out holes that they use for nests. In addition, the flowers the cactus produces provide nectar for birds. The cactus even bears fruit, which splits in half after prolonged exposure to the sun. Consequently, birds and insects are able to feast on the sweet, oozing insides of the fruit, including the seeds. Even the fruit that simply falls to the ground from the cactus provides nourishment to animals passing by. All of these features make the Saguaro Cactus vital to animals’ survival in the desert.
The Saguaro Cactus truly is a remarkable plant. Without it, the many animals that thrive in the desert would die. The next time you see a picture of one online or in a brochure, remember how valuable it is to desert
In these dry deserts of Nevada and surrounds states, you can find the Desert Cottontail Rabbit (Sylvilagusaudubonii) hiding in shrubs or running to shelter. This brownish grey cottontail finds itself surviving living in burrows made by other rodents and coming out throughout night hours. These desert cottontails reproduce quickly due to the short life span of 2 years. The structure of these cottontails provides them defense against their pray by using their feet and paws to slap predators or jumping to avoid surprise attacks. With the hotter and drier lands as the years go by, the cottontails fight to keep their population growing no matter the circumstances. From dancing face to face to chasing each other, these cottontails will find themselves having fun before mating which is
Cabeza de Vaca survived in Texas because of his amazing wilderness skills. While in Texas, Cabeza learned a few things. He learned to eat whatever he could find including spiders, rats, roots, lizards, snakes, berries, and mollusks. He also used a tree that was struck by lightning to light a torch and keep him warm in the cold nights he experienced (Doc. B). Cabeza could eat whatever he found and thus, was never starving. The torches that he had lit could give him warmth and a way to scare off possible predators that might eat him
Cabeza De Vaca survived because of his wilderness and survival skills. He ate whatever he had found like berries, mollusks, rats, roots, lizards, snakes, and spiders (Document B). To survive from his thirst he drank water stored in hollowed-out horse-leg containers (Document B). Furthermore, Cabeza lit a branch in the dying flames and
Plants that are adapted to drier climates are called xerophytes (an example if these types of plants are cactus). Some of these plants have adapted small, thick leaves with a reduced surface area. They may also have a thickened cuticle to protect themselves from the environment. The stomata may be sunken into pits. Some xerophytes shed their leaves during the driest seasons and others can store water such as cacti. CAM plants uptake CO2 at night and change it into crassulacean acid that can be broken down during the day for sugars. These plants can close their stomata during the day.
Arizona, “The Grand Canyon State” is one of the four corner states. The four corner states include : Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. Arizona is well known for the Grand Canyon State Park. This state has the most land dedicated to Native Americans in the entire US. Arizona summers are very hot while the winters are mild. Southern Arizona is well known for its dry desert climate. Northern Arizona demonstrates a different climate. The Northern section consists of forests of pine, Douglas fir, and spruce trees. It is also home to the Colorado Plateau and some mountain ranges. Northern Arizona also has deep canyons, which provides significant snowfalls.
The Monument Valley is the Purple Sage which is 3 to 6 feet long with flowers that are light purple. The leaves found on it are white tomentose which look like a fuzzy grey leaf. The purple sage thrives in the desert environment because of its lack of need of water. The purple sage was able to adapt to the harsh conditions of Monument Valley due to its size and thin layer of wax on the leaves. On the leaves of the plant there is a waxy cuticle layer that most desert plants have. This adaptation helps keep water in and reduces transpiration (is when a plant absorbs water in its roots.) Also, the little hairs on the leaves allow the purple sage to reflect sunlight and reduce the movement of air on its surface. This leads to less
Phoenix is an amazing place to hike year-round if you are prepared. The Sonoran Desert has a charm of its own that can only be experienced out on the trail.
an actual Chupacabra found in Texas. This animal seems to be related to a coyote. No evidence
Peyote was originally described in 1560, however it was not until the middle of the nineteenth century that botanists were able to conduct field research and correctly classify the cactus (Anderson, 1980). Field studies have concluded that there are two distinct populations of peyote which represent two species. The first and most common, Lophophora williamsii extends from southern Texas reaching south to the Mexican state of San Luis Potosi. The second and least common of the two species is Lophophora difusa, which occurs in the dryer terrain of the Mexican state of Queretaro. This species differs from the more common species by, "being yellowish-green rather than blue green in color, by lacking any
The Grand Canyon, an immense monument of pure beauty, the distinct feature of an American desert, the timeline of the Earth’s history, and the Pormosa for García López de Cárdenas. Percy spoke of a Bostonian man that travelled to the canyon, but was never truly there. He didn’t have the same experience of the Spaniard centuries ago, (Percy 462-463). The Grand Canyon may have changed in form from the erosion and corrosion, yet he didn’t take the same actions of Cárdenas. The man knew about the canyon before even seeing it for the first time, due to previously seen postcards and pictures, he couldn’t have the full feeling of awe at the tremendous depth and vibrant colors in something that is just more than a big, long rock. The author continued on by stating, “At the
Peyote is a species of cactus that grows in regions of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. It is most well-known for
Big Bend as in much of the Chihuahuan desert, there are many shrubs succulents and cacti that dominate the grouds. These plants survive in this harsh desert environment but not growing where there is generally no water, hotter temperatures and lower humidity. “These areas can found in lower desert elevations, for examples the types of vegetation in these areas are the common trees, Honey mesquite are just to name a few” (Nationals Park Service, 2017). There are over 1,000 species found in Big Bend National Park. “The Park has a very diverse plant inventory considering the the unforgiving influence of the harsh desert climate” (The National Park Service, 2015). The implausible area includes acres of exposed hard desert land, but have rare oasis here and
“The Grand Canyon is carven deep by the master hand; it is the gulf of silence, widened in the desert; it is all time inscribing the naked rock; it is the book of earth.” (Donald Culross Peattie).This quote by Donald Peattie sums up many Americans’ feelings toward the beauty of Arizona which is home to one of the natural wonders of the world, the Grand Canyon. The 1,450 mile-long, life-giving Colorado River runs through the Grand Canyon, and it supplies water to much of Arizona and its neighboring states. Tragically, this wonder could be destroyed by the lasting drought that is occurring which means residents and visitors would not experience much of Arizona’s allure. Perhaps even more frightening, if the drought continues for another decade,
The Grand Canyon is one of the greatest natural creations our planet has to offer. Have you ever been mesmerized by the giant cliffs, massive ridges, or the wide array of beautiful colors? If you answered yes, this paper is just for you! After reading this, you will be well educated about the Grand Canyon.
The defining character of a desert is usually low levels of rainfall with under 25 cm per year. Additional to that, the relationship between rainfall and the evaporated and transpired water must be taken into consideration. “A desert is a biological community in which most of the indigenous plants and animals are adapted to chronic aridity and periodic, extreme droughts, and in which these conditions are necessary to maintain the community’s structure” (Phillips, Comus, 2000, p. 10). This means that it is the environmental and climatic conditions that have created an evolutionary pressure for the flora to develop.