
Saint Anselm's Argument For The Existence Of God

Decent Essays

Does God Exist? A physiological and personal perspective
The idea of God and His existence has baffled the human race for a very long time. At some point God’s existence was never doubted, for His presence and existence was all around in people’s faith and miracles. As time went on, advancement of modern science has made God come into question. . Once being the all mighty Perfect Being is now the source of lots of doubt. The same Being that was once the certain One without a doubt has now become the most questionable one. God’s followers, His faithful people, have now become unsure.
Born in France, Rene Descartes, the father of modern thought and philosophy, was the first one to try to prove God’s existence. He does this by the use …show more content…

He defined God as “that than which nothing greater can be conceived”, this “nothing greater” is more perfect and the highest object of thought. He then brings up the point of either God exists or not. He uses a scripture from the Bible from the book of Psalm 13:1. The scripture says, “The Fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’”. But unlike what you would think Saint Anselm doesn’t use the scriptures to deny God. Instead he argues that God has to exist. When His concept of “nothing greater can be thought” is heard by a fool, the Fool must surely understand the concept of …show more content…

Hume is against Aquinas cosmological argument. He believes that that an explanation can be given to any creature that is found on this earth. He argues in his theory that the chain of notion must give the reason on why it came to existence. He goes on to explain that since we can’t prove why there are creatures here on earth then that must mean that it’s a result of its own cause. He also explained his theory that since humans can’t understand or see the things that are supposed to be around them then it must mean they don’t exist. ("Hume, David | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy",

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