
Saint Augustine : The Confessions Of St. Augustine

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St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, is a true defender of the Catholic faith with an inspirational conversion story which he shares in his writings titled the Confessions. Published around 400 A.D., St. Augustine Confessions had a major influence on western civilization. This beautifully written and intellectually brilliantly narrative on his conversion, St. Agustin brings to light his personal spiritual journey during his conversion to Catholicism. Completing his book in 400, St. Augustine incorporated praise of God, philosophical and theological inquiries, and the chain of sinful habits he had to break to give his life to Christ.
In its immediate context, the passage from the Confessions chosen for this analysis is a narrative discussing the …show more content…

This was the case for Agustin who grew up in a family with a Christian mother and Pagan father. This division in his family helped him to see the different effects of living a virtuous versus a disordered and self-centered life and contributed to his conversion along with his mother's prayers. Furthermore, in Roman culture, certain vices were seen as normal behavior; such as mistresses and heavy drinking. In a Christian community, such conduct would be frowned upon yet in the self pleasing world of the Romans this behavior was stranded among their youth.
Augustin’s writing style alone brought attention to his works because of the classical education he received. His scholarly talent enabled him to express his deepest thoughts and questions about life in an orderly fashion to reach logical conclusion with his organized reason. St. Augustin's writings made a significant impact on western civilization. Similar to Dante, it brought to light the spiritual journey to Christ made by every soul.
In regard to Christianity, Augustine touched upon many different distorted appetites warned against in the Catholic church such as thievery. He also mentions he reluctant to when he was at fault and his failure to control his temper, “After I was caught and denounced, I used to prefer to let my rage have free rein rather than to give ground” (22). He addresses God explicitly asking,

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