
Sakeenah Case Study

Decent Essays

Progress Note CC: "abdominal pain and blood in stool" HPI: Sakeenah is 14 years old African american girl, she comes to the University of Michigan Pediatric Gastroenterology clinic on 5/22/2018 complaining of abdominal pain. She is accompanied mom and dad today and she provides the interval medical history, She states that the pain started month ago, epigastric, and occasionally radiate to right side, described as squeezing or burning pain. She states that the pain is on/off, in scale of 7-8/10, occur more in the morning. The pain lasts few hours several time a day. She feels that "food sits in my stomach and doesn't digest." Sakeenah states that pain is worse when she eating a grassy food, she stop eating it for a while and the pain seems …show more content…

External ears, nose, and mouth appear normal in appearance, with moist mucous membranes. Neck is supple with trachea in midline. There is no cervical adenopathy noted. Chest: is clear to auscultation bilaterally. Heart: has regular rhythm and rate, with no clubbing, cyanosis, or edema of the extremities. Skin: is without lesions or rashes. Abdomen: soft, nondistended, with no hepatosplenomegaly or masses noted. The rectal exam showed no sacral dimples or tufts of hair, normal external rectal exam. Recommendation: 1-Start Miralax 17g mixed in 8oz water/juice. Take 2 times daily. Adjust the dose as needed, to achieve a pudding consistency stool. 2.Blood work today for celiac and iron studies due to the iron deficiency 3.refer to adolescent gynecology here for her heavy periods and to see if the low hemoglobin 4.Start iron supplement, 325mg, 3 times

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