
Salem Witch Trials In The Crucible

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In the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller, Abigail and the other girls are to blame for the Salem Witch Trials. Abigail and the girls asked Tituba to conjure spirits so they could get their loves and what else they wanted. Due to this, strange things started happening in the village with the girls. Many people were being accused of being witches and put on trial to later be hanged for doing the Devil’s work. When Rev. Parris caught the group dancing in the woods, Betty, Parris’ daughter, could not move anymore as if she was bewitched. Rev. Hale was called to Salem by Rev. Parris to see what was happening with Betty and another girl. Rev. Hale and Rev. Parris were questioning Abigail about what happened that night, Abigail claimed, “Why-common

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