
Sally Arnie Case Study Answers

Decent Essays

I read the case study and applied a scale from 1-4 (1 being most responsible, to 4 being least responsible) to the responsible parties in the case study. Here are my rankings:
1. Reggie
2. Arnie
3. Sally
4. Professor Lovelit

Reggie knew he was plagiarizing when he decided to use the essay from the internet. He also knew that any college or university has a code of conduct policy or an academic integrity policy. He did contact Sally, his academic support counselor, for assistance and feedback. He became frustrated when her assessment of his paper was less than positive. Arnie was wrong in two ways. Firstly, he knew of Reggie’s intent to use the online essay. Arnie should have discreetly reported the situation to the instructor. On a positive note, he did attempt to read the rest of the assignment, but couldn’t read or comprehend the material fast enough. So, Arnie panicked ,due to the impending deadline. Secondly, he had a lapse of judgement, when he decided to use the online essay, and pass it as his work. He added his own introduction and conclusion, then submitted the paper under the pretense it was his original work. …show more content…

She cautioned Reggie about using someone else’s idea. Sally should have contacted the instructor, to give her a heads up on the potential plagiarizing from Reggie. Professor Lovelit did her job, after discovering Arnie and Reggie’s papers were very similar. She was also able to find the original essay on the internet. She evidently applied the school’s policy on plagiarism, as well as the policy on academic integrity. Her final decision was to give Arnie and Reggie an “F” as their final grade for the

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