The Photo that I chose was a picture that was taken of the terrified children and teachers holding each other hand in hand after the Sandy Hook School Shooting. Shannon Hicks, a photographer for Channel 4 News, took this picture at 10:09 AM after she arrived on the scene of this massacre. She took the picture, for one because it was her job, and for two she knows that the faces of these children captured the true emotion of what these kids and teachers were feeling at this time. This photo was taken right after the kids and teachers evacuated the schoolrooms in which they were. This photo affected the American public because it cemented in the memories of what happened on that terrible day on December 14th, 2012. This sticks in the publics mind because this was a terribly horrible …show more content…
December 14th, 2012 will always be a date that lives in infamy because of this horrid event that took place at Sandy Hook Middle School and this photo will always. While this photo may not be the best in a photographic element type way this is a greatly morbid
My artwork is the picture of the Yosemite national Park. The reason why I pick the
The photographer I chose for my research paper is Mathew Brady. I chose him because he was a famed civil war photographer. And I believe his work is important to US history.
This is because these images bring awareness to issues of racism and ignite the urge in people to fight against these issues. When reading this article, I was reminded of Emmett Till and how his mother reacted to the cruel beating that his son was subjected to. After Emmett Till was brutally beaten, his body was swollen and his face was disfigured that he was only be identified by the initials on a ring on his finger. Although Emmett Till’s image was disfigured, his mother held an open casket for his funeral. Till’s mother wanted the world to see what his son was subjected to since his image was viewed by thousands of people. The photo was also photographed and published in newspapers and magazines. This is significant because it ignited a passion for the civil rights activists to fight against the racial injustices. This is why I think that showcasing the images of killings of black people is
Sheriff from Oregon shared a link online about Sandy Hook Conspiracy. According to Time Magazine on the website by Alexandra Sifferlin states that “Douglas County sheriff John Hanlin, who has responded to the Umpqua Community College shooting, previously shared a conspiracy theory video suggesting the Sandy Hook massacre was orchestrated by the U.S. government to disarm the public." Media states that John Hanlin had promoted the theory online about Sandy Hook Conspiracy and was covering another investigation on college shooting in Oregon. Times Magazine has stated Sheriff John Hanlin shared the consirpacy video three days before vice president Joe Biden spoke about gun control? The October 3, 2015 on the website by Regina F. Graham
One artwork that I have chosen to write about is Harriet Tubman by Aaron Douglas. I have selected this artwork because I am drawn to its color. In addition, I have a strong admiration for the subject matter. Looking at this artwork relaxed me and made me feel at peace as I was emotionally hypnotized by the color green. Even after looking at this artwork for a prolonged period of time, my admiration for it did not change. This artwork seems to represent freedom and being at peace.
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. These were the most basic rights endowed to American citizens as stated in the Declaration of Independence. However, these so-called “inalienable” rights are frequently lost in the name of another “right,” the Second Amendment right to bear arms. Take, for example, Dawn Hochsprung. A typical American citizen, she was the principal of Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.
The three pictures that I chose to discuss are the pictures of the Komagata Maru, the workers of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and the residential school. I chose these pictures because they were important moments that shaped Canadian history.
The image I choose is a photograph titled, Mulberry Street, which was photographed by photographer Sid Grossman (1913-1955). As part of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, “Photographs from the 1940s and 1950s” collection, this photograph was captured in 1948. Grossman photography represents more of an everyday life in America vs. tradition photography. When you first glance at this photograph it seems like the main focal point is of a young boy probably around thirteen to fifteen years old at the fair but as you stair at the photograph a bit longer you notice the boys face is actually blurry. The way Grossman took this picture does remind me of a few photographs my parents took of my siblings and me living in the moment not posing for the picture and then come to realize the picture is blurry. The meaning of this image can represent by us living in a fast-paced society because yet we still need time to enjoy the moments.
The Aftermath of Columbine High Shooting A tragic event that occurred the year of 1999, the year I was born, was the Columbine High School Massacre. This event occurred in Denver, Colorado. On April 20, 1999, two boys by the names of Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, had hate for the school that they attended and the people who attended it. The shooters planned on bombing and shooting up the school, which they did. Klebold and Harris killed themselves after their shooting rampage, which left a total of 15 dead and 23 wounded (Larkin).
December 14, 2012, Newtown, Connecticut. Adam Lanza, 20, used an assault rifle to kill 20-first grade students ages 6 & 7 and 6 staff members in Sandy Hook Elementary, then killed himself. Before the murder he shot and killed his mother at his home. In January, council voted to demolish the home.
The first picture I chose is the picture of the front of the school. I chose this picture because it is very familiar to the parents and so that they know beyond a doubt what school we are talking about. The second picture is a picture of a bulldog which is the mascot of the school “The Burkburnett Bulldogs” The third image I chose is the Hardin logo. I chose this because it has our schools motto on it “Hardin is College Bound!” and subtly lets the parents know what the goal of our school is all about. All three of these first images will go together as a whole to create a type of cover for the presentation as a whole.
Racism is a major evil in this world. The horrific acts that occurred on June 17, 2015 were a total and complete act of racism. Dylann Roof entered a historically black church, attended a bible study, and as the night ended he opened fire on everyone in attendance, the deaths totaling to nine. The image, taken by Stephen B. Morton signifies hope for humanity, no matter how hopeful it cannot cover up the morbidness of the acts that occurred just one day before. The image a representation of race issues in America today and shows how far we have come by supporting one another no matter the color at times of need. It also represents how racism among other things is still a prominent issue in modern day America. The photograph places the
Imagine living in a world where the color of your skin mattered. The photograph I chose to analyze is one that struck me hard due to the harsh reality of our country 's past. This popular photograph often seen in textbooks is a result of segregation in American history. Captivating is one word I would use to describe the photo of a colored man drinking from a water fountain. The photograph is in black and white and helps magnify the importance this photo has today. We can look at this photograph from our past and for many years to come, try to answer the many questions of why segregation existed. The gross injustice in treating others of different races poorly will forever haunt American history and leave white Americans feeling humiliated.
I chose “Trail of Tears (song)” because everything about it would help paint a picture for those who maybe do not uderstamd how awful the Indians were treated or what the Trail of Tears actually was. The music adds detail, providing a sort of sadness. The words also played a role in painting the picture. It is about the Indians having to leave behind their traditions, their families bones buried in their land, and much more for some sort of “promise land” that whites had waiting for
Also, images explain the reality. When Emmett Till’s mother wanted the photograph of his corpse published, she knew that this image has a power that will affect the people from her race and the other race as well. The image showed Till’s face that had been tortured by the time of the civil right