
Sanger Rainsford In The Most Dangerous Game, By Richard Connell

Satisfactory Essays

More than 100 million animals are reported killed by hunters each year….what if people were killed like this productively each year. In “The Most Dangerous Game”, written by Richard Connell people were killed and it wasn't good. Sanger Rainsford actions demonstrates that he is intelligent, brave and clever throughout the story.
Throughout the story Sanger Rainsford shows that he is brave because when Sanger Rainsford and General Zaroff are hunting each other it says in the text, “I will supply you with hunting clothes, food, a knife.” (Connell 106) This shows that Rainsford is brave because he only have a knife to try to kill General Zaroff and Zaroff has a rifle. The rifle has a bigger advantage than a huntsman knife. Rainsford is also

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