
Satan Court Case

Decent Essays

You sit in the bench of a courtroom. The purpose of the trial is not immediately clear, but one thing is certain: the prosecutor is angry. He shouts, shakes his fist, and threatens both the judge and the defense. Amid his tirade, the judge stands, points his finger at the attorney, and yells, “Away with him!” Without hesitation the bailiff violently grabs the attorney and whisks him away. Before the door shuts behind them, the entire audience stands and rejoices over the prosecutor’s removal. Even the judge begins to celebrate!

At this point, you wonder if the story you just read is true. It is certainly not something you would read in the paper or find within the annals of history. But, when you study the Scriptures, you will see that very story come to life. It is the story of Satan’s conflict with God and His people. Before Christ’s death, Satan stood within the heavenly court and slanderously accused countless people before God (Job 1:6). In this capacity he accused both Job and Joshua (Job 1:9-11; Zech. 3:1-3). And, like some prosecuting attorneys, he used cunning and deceit to accomplish his mission. In fact, it is said that he is the father of such things (Jn. 8:44). …show more content…

With the death of Christ, Satan’s power over mankind was shattered (Heb. 2:14). His position in that spiritual courtroom came to an end, and Satan was forcibly removed from it (Rev. 12:7-9). Now, Satan uses his craftiness to deceive humanity so that it will carry out his will instead of God’s. From time to time, he is successful, but the Lord always turns the accuser’s plans against him (Rev. 12:13-17). And, in the end, Satan will suffer eternal punishment for what he has done (Rev.

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