
Satire In Candide

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Voltaire the philosopher and writer is famous for several well-known pieces of satire about the French. ‘Philosophical letters’ written by Voltaire in 1721 that made the point that England was a better country all while attacking the church, monarchy, aristocracy, and current French society at the time. Voltaire’s work was not well appreciated by the church and nobility that he mocked and even made him go on the run. The book ‘Candide’ was written in 1759 as an attack on the representation of French society. The overly optimistic teachings of Pangloss have a lasting effect on Candide. Candide the student of the philosopher Pangloss follows the notion that this is the best of all possible worlds (6). Throughout Candide’s adventures from Europe …show more content…

When Candide and Cacambo arrives in El Dorado they instantly recognize that the country they are in is better than the place they came from. El Dorado is intended to represent a utopia a sanctuary hidden away from the world free of earthly desires. As greed takes a big part of the 1700’s with most western powers vying for control of land in the Americas for precious metals and luxury resources, a society free of this hunger would have seemed like a dreamland. The religion of El Dorado followed more similar to a deist philosophy where there is a god but he does not interfere nor is the people of El Dorado required to do anything special for their god. The land lord that Candide and Cacambo talked to stated that the people of El Dorado do not pray to their god because there is nothing to ask. Later the old man notes that there is no monks or spiritual leaders by saying we are all priest (43). Most of Europe was under control of the Catholic Church, which would jail, torture, or yet worse kill anyone for going against what the church believes. This type of worship would be seen as heresy among the churches Candide was used to encountering. This type of unheard of religious freedom was just part of what made El Dorado what seemed to be an unspoiled utopian society. The governmental style of El Dorado was portrayed as a monarchy of the people, from kissing the king on the cheeks to insinuating that it would be tyrannical

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