
Satire In Huckleberry Finn

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Twain, Mark. “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.” New York: Penguin, 1884. Print Huckleberry Finn runs away from home and he encounters Ms. Watson slave runner named Jim. They go on an adventure. While they’re on their journey he debates the moral issues over helping a slave runner. Huck and Jim come across several murdered people throughout their adventures is an example of satire. Meanwhile, being the 1800’s people discriminated Jim and tried claiming him as their own slave when Jim and Finn got seperated. In the end, Finn follows his heart and helps Jim seek his freedom. Jim’s character lives in a racial prejudice period. Slavery is shown as a social injustice. Finn has mixed emotions towards Jim’s desire for freedom, “I was sorry to hear …show more content…

As he grows he develops his character. The teachings of the Nation of Islam that he receives in prison affect a further change in both Malcolm’s character and his view of white people. He simultaneously abandons his wild past and embraces a systematic hatred of whites. His attitude at the end of the work contrasts with his previous beliefs in what he now supports white participation in the struggle for black emancipation, whereas he earlier does not. Only after passing through so many phases and seeing the race problem from so many different perspectives is Malcolm able to settle on a philosophy which he truly …show more content…

She goes into detail about the way she feels and gets treated because of it. The rhetorical strategy is a description because she goes into depth about the way she feels. Moreover, she argues, African Americans should celebrate their culture. She uses contrast with white men and herself (pale v. colored) and she contrasts her culture. “Slavery is the price I paid for civilization, and the choice was not with me.” This demonstrates the history of America and the plague of the consequence for civilization. This quote in particular focuses on the ancestors and it is an image of the pain they had to go through with years of protesting and discrimination. “I feel most colored when I am thrown against a sharp white background.” This quote is just sad and shows what life in America is for most African Americans and something that has been going on for so long, all the agony and dismal on waiting for change. “He has only heard what I felt. He is far away and I see him, but dimly across the ocean and the continent that have fallen between us.” This is another demonstration of how isolated she feels. Yet they are so similar the, only difference is the color, but back in the 1900s’ whites put so much focus in that that they become blind to what amazing people stands amongst them. It is Ethos because she’s telling the story of personal experience and its rhetorical device is anecdote, analogy, and metaphor. A Metaphor

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