
Satire In Mean Girls

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Mean Girls is a critically acclaimed movie known for its benevolent satire that circulates around the reality and cruelty of high school life featuring social status, class, gender and race in today’s society.
The beginning of the movie starts out with the main character Cady Heron, venturing to her first day of being at an actual American high school after being home schooled in Africa all her life. She experiences a severe culture shock just on her first day once she realizes everyone isn’t as friendly and open as they may have been in Africa. Cady takes goes about her first day taking mental notes on everything she runs into, the un-fair, untrusting high school teachers and rude, cruel student body. However, Cady does eventually meet some …show more content…

Cady begins to learn all the secrets of the plastics and realizes how shallow they really are. She takes this opportunity to get revenge on them using their secrets against them. This starts by Cady wanting to get back at Regina for deliberately sabotaging her relationship with a boy she has a crush on in her math class named Aaron Samuels, who just happens to be Regina’s ex-boyfriend. Once Cady realizes that her, once thought “friend” stabbed her in the back, she does everything she can to ruin Regina’s life by going behind her back and manipulating her relationships and social status in deviant …show more content…

Regina feels as if because she has a lot of money and the freedom to do whatever she wants, that she can take advantage of other people who she feels are less than her because of their social status as a “nerd” or “unpopular”. During this scene, a critical part in the movie is brought to attention. “The Burn Book” which is a book that “the plastics” have put together that features pictures of all the people at their school that they don’t like and/or want to get revenge on. Next to their pictures are nasty comments about them, which later backfires after Regina is excluded from “the plastics” and decides to take Karen, Gretchen, Cady socially down with her by turning “The Burn Book” into the principal’s office. Once she speaks to the principal, she explain how she had nothing to do with “The Burn Book” and how Karen, Cady, and Gretchen are the sole creators of the book because they’re the only ones who aren’t in it. Regina then copies all of the pages in “The Burn Book”, handing out the papers around school so everyone can see the lies and rumors spread about them. This creates chaos throughout the social classes in the school, everyone ends up fighting (mostly the girls) and that’s when everyone realizes that their mental representations of other people are just as shallow as the lies and rumors being spread about

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