
Savagery In Lord Of The Flies

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The novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding was set around the 1950’s during a fictional atomic war. It is about a group of young boys who become stranded on an unknown island and have to fend for themselves. This creates many problems for the boys but the biggest is losing all sense of humanity. William Golding shows us that the killing of pigs helps demonstrate how the children declined into total savagery. He shows this through Jack, the chief of the hunters, who had greater determination to kill pigs than attempt to be civilized, the chant they had created to celebrate their kills and also the way they murdered Simon, a weaker character, and hunted Ralph, the protagonist, as if they were both pigs. Little did they know by killing pigs …show more content…

However in the first chapter when they saw that pigs inhabited the island, Jack froze. He drew his knife but still did nothing. At this moment, Jack was scared and faced with a huge hit of reality. He was not able bring himself to actually kill another living creature. From then on Jack was determined to kill a pig and prove to the other boys he could and that he was the alpha male, but his determination leads him straight on the path of becoming a true savage. Jack told Ralph that he would keep a fire and a smoke signal going. Jack broke that responsibility and let the fire go out to go hunting instead, missing a passing ship. Jack returned back up the mountain and, unlike Ralph, did not even seem to care that they could have been rescued because he had killed a pig. He seemed to care more about the pig he had just killed rather than being rescued. This started the two different groups, the hunting and the more humane ones, with Jack and Ralph both leaders of their …show more content…

They also murdered Simon and attempted to kill Ralph. Jack had invited the other boys to a feast at their camp. After they had eaten, things started to heat up between Ralph and Jack. Jack then wanted the boys to yell their chant, as they danced around the fire. “Evening was come, not with calm beauty but with the threat of violence.” (165) Simon had crawled out of the bushes on all fours with a face full of blood, after passing out earlier. The hunters were all alarmed by Simon’s appearance and instantly thought he was the beast, and they treated him as if he were and killed him. Once the boys had realized it was Simon they did not at all care and blamed Simon for his own death. Later on when Ralph had no one else left with him, Jack’s group hunted him as if he were a pig. They ended up setting most of the island on fire and chased him around wanting to kill him. At this stage there were no boys left with a bit of humanity except Ralph, only hunters that were pure savages lead by

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