
Saving Sourdi Summary

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Saving Sourdi
Sibling bond is among the strongest bonds. In her story “Saving Sourdi”, May-Lee Chai describes this bond between sisters. The story begins with a scene where both Nea and Sourdi are working in a restaurant alone. Nea is portrayed as being protective when she tries to save her sister from harassment by the drunk men in the restaurant. This scene foreshadows the later event where Nea tries to save her sister from a forced marriage. In the event at the beginning, Ma forces Nea to apologize to the man she stabbed, which is an indication that her mother disapproved of her behavior. Similarly, Nea fails in her attempt to save Sourdi from the marriage with Mr. Chhay. Considering that the story is told from Sourdi`s point of view, many things would change. Sourdi, having being experienced by a series of wars, has a better understanding of hardships than her sister. She also shares in her mother`s perspective on culture and the roles of a woman through experience of life in Cambodia. This point of view makes us connect more with the character since we have a chance of understanding her thoughts and aspirations in life. The experience at the minefield, when Nea is helped to cross on her sister`s back, makes the two sisters inseparable. …show more content…

Racially offensive characters discriminate against others based on their race. In the novel, Ma discriminates against Dukes, who wished to marry Sourdi, because he is in poverty, she prefers Sourdi being married to a rich man. Another offensive character is Nea, who due to her naivety and her tender age, talks badly about men who wish to get married to her sister. I can relate to these situations since they are common in the society today. Siblings having conflicts of interest and discrimination based on financial capabilities is common, proving money to be the source of

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