
Scapegoating Hypothesis

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Hypothesis Initially, I hypothesized that scapegoating would be more prevalent in larger groups and in groups where individuals were not as acquainted with each other. The first aspect of the hypothesis is based off of Nesdale’s conclusions which highlights scapegoating as a phenomenon resulting from our “tendency to associate with groups” and our “motivation to enhance group status, facilitate achievement, conform to group standards, etc.” (Nesdale, 2007). The second aspect of the hypothesis is based off of Hersh’s conclusions of how our preferences for certain traits and characteristics leads to stereotyped judgments or prejudices, which then lead to discrimination and aggression towards discredited groups or individuals (Hersh, 2013). …show more content…

All 40 volunteers will be assigned a unique number from 1 through 40, and a random number generator will be utilized to randomly assign the volunteers to one of the two varying group sizes. Essentially, a random number will be generated, and the volunteer corresponding to that number will be selected. Numbers that have already been generated will be ignored. The process will stop once 20 unique numbers are generated. These 20 will then be placed into group sizes of 2, while the remaining 20 are placed into group sizes of 5. This procedure will ensure that the groups are created randomly and are not carefully selected to generate inaccurate results. The group sizes of 2 and 5 are used for two main purposes. First, using a group consisting of two individuals will allow for observations to be made on scapegoating in a one-to-one situation. Not only will it simplify the task of comparing and contrasting the behaviors of volunteers, but it will also enable observations to be made on scapegoating when the individuals are unable to find other individuals to connect or work with. Second, using a group of five individuals will allow for one or more individual to be singled out. While a group of three individuals can also be used, using a group of 5 will allow for more diverse patterns of …show more content…

To ask the volunteers who they are or are not acquainted with will require that names of the other volunteers be released. To accomplish this, the individuals that are placed in the unacquainted groups will all be blindfolded beforehand, so that they are unaware of their surroundings and therefore, unable to identify the other individuals. The individuals that are placed in the acquainted groups will be given one minute to familiarize themselves with each other, saying whatever they would like to say (excluding profanity, rude or harmful remarks, etc.) or to just simply remain silent. While some volunteers may be more acquainted with the other volunteers than another volunteer may be, this will be fine as the main objective is to see whether or not being acquainted at all will affect scapegoating. This will also be taken into consideration through the first-hand observations, as well as in the optional

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