
The Crucible Themes

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Crucible Themes The Crucible was written by Arthur Miller in 1953 about the Salem witch trials of 1692 and is still read now. While the play has many different themes, this essay will focus on three: women, religion and scapegoating. Even though it was set in an old time period, the themes of the play were relevant when it was published and maintain their relevance today. Women Women will always exist and play important parts in literature. In the play and real life Salem, mostly the women got blamed and persecuted since they were held to standards that men were not. Women were not expected to read, and were suspected of being witched is they were educated, and in some cases, even if they could swim. …show more content…

When anything can not be explained, people turn to religion. When people have doubts, feel lost, or need a purpose, they turn to religion. Yet with everyone one relying on religion, that gives the religion power, which can be easily abused. In the 1600s in Salem, they had a theocracy, where the church and government were one in the same. religion played a large role in every part of people’s lives. As time has progressed, religion and government got ore and more separate, yet even now they are still connected. When the character, John Proctor, did not know one of the ten commandments, that was used as evidence against him. Scapegoating Scapegoating can happen on an individual level, when a particular person is singled out for unmerited treatment, but also on a group or societal level. Scapegoating at times helps unite a society against a threat, and can act as a temporary solution to the problems that society is

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