
Scarlet Letter Research Paper

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The Scarlet Letter Research Paper
A lot of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s writings have to do with Puritans and their American past. He had deep bonds with his ancestors and he used those bonds to create a story that shined a light on their strengths and weaknesses. The Scarlet Letter portrays this to the fullest extent. The Puritans arrived in Massachusetts in the 1630s led by John Winthrop, whose death is written in The Scarlet Letter. They were known for being intolerant of new inventions and changing lifestyles. Hawthorne uses power-hungry, authoritarian Puritans as the example for a society in general (The Scarlet Letter). The Scarlet Letter allows him to show the human soul when it is under intense, public pressure. Hawthorne does an amazing job of intertwining American issues in his stories. His tenacity and openness has secured his place on the literary platform for many years to come
Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts, in July 1804. He is a descendant of some of the earliest settlers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. One of his forefathers was John Hathorne. Nathaniel added the “W” to Hathorne when began writing. John Hathorne was a judge in the Salem Witch Trials. Nathaniel Hawthorne was intrigued with his family ties to John, but also perturbed by it at the same time. His father died of yellow fever in 1808, so he was raised by his mother and attended the Bowdoin College in Maine. There he met future poet, Henry Wadsworth Long-fellow and future president, Franklin Pierce. Once he graduated college, he tried writing and produced a few historical sketches as well as writing an anonymous novel entitled Fanshawe, which told of accounts of his embarrassing college days. He became an editor and customs surveyor and while working in that field, he became friends with Ralph Waldo Emerson and Margaret Fuller. His friendship with them led to him quitting his job and experimented at Brook Farm, which was a commune designed to promote transcendentalist principles. “Transcendentalism is a philosophy started in the early 19th century that promotes intuitive, spiritual thinking instead of scientific thinking based on material things (” Afterwards, he married Sophia

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