

Decent Essays

With a single flash of a camera a moment is frozen in time, and those pictures that are developed can illustrate some of the most gruesome instances in history. In 1994, genocide was raging in Rwanda between two different ethnic groups, the Hutus and the Tutsis. Somewhere between 500,000 and one million people were massacred in only three months. A number that pops up quite often is 800,000. James Nachtwey, a war photographer who personally witnessed the horror of Rwanda, described the carnage by saying:
Trying to imagine 800,000 people with their heads bashed in by rocks and clubs, impaled on spears, hacked to death with hoes and machetes-in just three months- …show more content…

Nachtwey photographs tragic events to show the world what we are living in and the consequences of those actions. He has worked all over the world in countries like Lebanon, Israel, Thailand, Romania, and of course Rwanda. He worked with Time Magazine from 1984 until he became a founding member of photo agency VII (National Geographic). To further enhance his opinion through “SCARRED” Nachtwey used certain photographic techniques that increased the impact of the photo. He used a black and white photo to immediately draw attention to the scars on the man’s face. Nachtwey makes the focal point the side of the man’s face instead of a portrait view (Anderson, 2013). The emphasis gives the photo a shocking quality that is both profound and heartbreaking. “If there is something occurring that is so bad that it could be considered a crime against humanity, it has to be transmitted with anguish, with pain, and create an impact in people - upset them, shake them up, wake them out of their everyday routine,” said Nachtwey (
As Americans view this photo it can be seen as an awful act of violence. The Hutu tribe from Rwanda would feel considerably different. There would see no hint of remorse or anguish like the kind that photographers like Nachtwey want to convey. Although the man in the photograph was a Hutu, it did not matter because he sided with the Tutsis. He became a traitor to his fellow Hutus. The major conflicts between

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