
Schizophrenia Case Study Essay

Decent Essays

Psychotic Disorder Case Study: Harry Harry is a client diagnosed with schizophrenia who currently lives alone. He has been on several antipsychotic drug treatments with short term lasting results. However, acute psychosis triggers Harry, with breakthrough symptoms of hearing voices in present regiment of care. Harry, has tried several medications such as: Seroquel, Zyprexa, Geodon, and Risperdal, nonetheless his management outcome has unsuccessful (Laureate Education, 2012). Alternative antipsychotic drug treatment The alternative drug treatment Harry would benefit from would Invega Sustenna. Invega, Sustenna is an injectable monthly symptom control in one dose. Currently, it appears that Harry does not have a clinical support system, therefore, may not be consistent in taking his medication. Nonetheless, this injectable drug has long acting benefits, therefore missed dosing would not have same effects with Harry if he misses a dose compared to oral medication. According to (Preston, O’Neal, & Talaga, 2017), missed doses is one of the primary causes in relapses, and ineffectiveness in pharmacological intervention. Often patients/clients with schizophrenia are in denial of their sickness, and …show more content…

Symptoms that may not be relieved by the treatment of Invega Sustenna may or can due to underlying medical illness causing (psychosis) schizophrenia. Similarly, clients with schizophrenia may continue to may hear voices, see imaginary sights, and believe other people control their thoughts, four weeks into the medication, until medication therapy has adjusted into their body. Conversely, with any psychotropic drug the risk for relapse is possible (Lieberman, Stroup, McEvoy, Swartz, Rosenheck, Perkins, &Hsiao, 2005; Preston, O’Neal, & Talaga,

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