
Scholarship Boy or Not?

Decent Essays

Scholarship Boy or Not?
In the essay “Achievement of Desire”, Richard Rodriguez takes author Richard Hoggart’s, “Scholarship Boy”, and uses it as a reference point to capture his own life experiences as a scholarship boy. Growing up in a working class house hold, Richard was not the average product of his environment. Much like Hoggarts’ scholarship boy, Rodriguez was a very dedicated student that excelled in most of his studies. Although Rodriguez had the full support of his parents he was still somewhat physically segregated at home. On most nights, he spent time engulfed in books and notes, rather than watching television with family, or lolly gagging with friends. Yet these habits adversely affect his social and family life it is …show more content…

In becoming the scholarship boy Rodriguez had lost all connection with his family. He also began to listen to the more worldly advice that his parents had to offer less and less, “Stupidly I took for granted their enormous amount of native intelligence” (551). Parents have experienced way more

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