
School Boring

Satisfactory Essays

#12 - Class can be boring sometimes, but you can make it fun. You can bring a mp3 player and some earbuds/headphones and listen to music with a teacher's permission. You can also find a book that is perfect for you and that you enjoy so when you're done with all your “Boring” work you can look forward to reading you super fun book. School can be fun you just have to make the best out of what you have. School has many ups and downs like you have to do work but you get to do it with your friends, or reading can be a pain but you get to choose what book or genre you get to read.

#11 -

#10 - What power would I choose, hummmm, FLYING!! Flying has great advantages to it. I could fly away and no one could catch me cause no one else can fly. So I choose flying instead of invisibility. …show more content…

NO! They would kill and squish us all. Jurassic Park says it all. They are huge and will go wherever they wish to go.

#8 - idk what to say blah blah blah hi how was your day good sounds extravagant and fun. Idk what so say so i’m just free tying because this is all i can think of atm so blah blah blah yaaaasssss idk what to say so yayayaya hiii wyd cool sound super fun.

#7 - I WANT THE LAST FRY! Why? Because I only got 2, and I think it’s only fair.

#6 - idk it all sounds weird idk what he means. Hi hi hi sudhfuh fuf dugureuudbf dhdb fhdbf fbc djhfjh jfdhsj cjks v hjdvhks xjhchdjsklaljfc jd ajfh ajhldfje djhfjf fj s fjd c gyg gyg jhg jh hhg gugy trs july hjj. Food food

#5 - I agree the time you enjoy wasting is not wasted

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