
School Dress Code And Uniforms

Decent Essays

Ms Purcell
Periods 5/7
School Dress Code and Uniforms

We’ve all seen it, don’t lie. Boys and girls alike, making sexist jokes in the hallway and laughing like it’s funny. See boys objectifying girls, and vice versa, as if it isn’t an action that is humiliating and ridiculous. Young and impressionable, we have been taught from a young age to fight each other and bully each other with a simple saying: “Girls rule, boys drool! Boys rule, girls drool!” Regrettably, the idea is displayed on T-shirts at Target and Justice, and it’s tearing schools apart. This mindset of the superior sex is a horrible misconception of the world, implanted by ignorant adults to make ignorant children. And the most prominent ignorant thing in schools yet: dress code and uniforms. Innocently, people believe it’s an unimpeachable commodity. You’re in the green light if one covers their body up. In a nutshell, school dress code would rather have girls sent home and miss their education rather than boys ogle at girls and miss their education. Despite some people thinking that the dress code and uniforms should still live on as upheld, they should both be rid of because it is sexist, unfair, and objectifying.
To start, sexism is the main factor. Many people have seen boys walk into school with shirts so baggy they could see their entire chests, but if a girl were to do that while wearing a bra, she would get sent home. So what’s up with that? Sexism: the favoring of boys over girls. School

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