
School Schedules Should Not Be Applied

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Year-long school schedules should not be applied to schools because of costs, planning changes, effects on families, and the fact that year-round schooling does not actually help with summer learning loss. Many schools throughout the United States have experimented with the year-round calendar. In fact, “The U.S. has more than 3,000,” (Mahoney A3). What these schools have found is that the cons outweigh the pros. The good effects of changing the schedule include lower costs, more time in school, and the prevention of students forgetting material over the summer. The thing is, none of those listed above are actually true. Schools that were expecting costs to go down were surprised to find the costs actually went up, and that the …show more content…

Maintaining the school buildings becomes more difficult, as well. “Maintenance is needed more consistently because of year-round use of facilities; maintenance may become a problem because major repairs can no longer be done in the idle months of the summer,” (Clark). All of these changes also cost more money. “A single-track YRS program can actually cost more than the traditional program,” (Carter). The salaries of teachers rise, because they do not get a summer either. Schools that adopt the year-round calendar actually have to hire more staff, which means more salaries to pay. In the schools that use the multi-tracking system, more students attend the school, which also raises prices. As a mandatory level of society, changing the schedule of schools affects the whole town. Advocates of year-round schooling say that the change in schedule benefits families. It provides free childcare for parents during the summer. It also causes random breaks throughout the year. Having a three-week break every two months is the common strategy for year-round schools. How easy is it for parents to find a caregiver for their children on this schedule versus over the summer? The strange break system also makes it difficult for families to take vacations, particularly in schools that use the multi-tracking system, which can cause siblings to have Carter, Robin Lockett. "The Traditional

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