
School To Prison Pipeline Essay

Decent Essays

A mother picked up her six year old daughter Salecia from the police station where she sat in handcuffs from throwing a temper tantrum at school. She was then also suspended from school for her miss behavior (Mandell). Not only were the actions performed unnecessary, but incredibly harsh for a girl her age. The action of pushing students from school straight into prison is called the school to prison pipeline. This overreliance of harsh disciplinary actions is causing the school to prison pipeline cycle to happen and continue. The school to prison pipeline is a serious issue and is mostly involved around students race rather then their actions. Students can be performing the same troublesome activities, but students who are colored or have …show more content…

It is a form of racism expressed in social and political institutions. Black students are mainly being unfairly judged and receiving unfair treatment for things that white students are doing too. This is proven in the statistics provided by ACLU which is the American Civil Liberties Union which specializes in political issues and stories in the media. ACLU say that black students are suspended and expelled three times more than white students. They go on to say “Students suspended or expelled for a discretionary violation are nearly three times more likely to be in contact with the juvenile justice system the following year¨. It is not justifiable that black students are being discriminated against especially when it will lead to them ending up in prison. The education system is setting them up for failure by doing this. Equally important Matthew Lynch who is an expert on education, equity, and reform says ¨Sadly, over half of black young men who attend urban high schools do not earn a diploma. Of the dropouts, nearly 60 percent will go to prison at some point.¨ It is harrowing to see this happening to black students let alone any student for that matter. These students who drop out are ending up in prison, because it is hard to earn an honest living without a highschool diploma and when the school system is telling them they are criminals instead of trying to help them. The education system is taking wrong steps that is causing this vicious cycle to

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