
Scott Fitzgeralds Influence On The Great Gatsby

Decent Essays

Scott Fitzgerald was an American author of novels and short stories. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century. His most famous work, The Great Gatsby has seen many film adaptations and is widely considered to be a literary classic. Most reader are unaware that the beloved classic is not entirely fictional. In the novel The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald drew much of his inspiration for events and characters in the book from his own life. In more ways than one the narrator and main character, Nick Carraway resembles a young Scott Fitzgerald. In 1896 Frances Scott Fitzgerald was born in St. Paul Minnesota, to a middle class family. He spent his youth in and out of several private schools including St. Paul’s …show more content…

Gatsby is a charming and mysterious character who achieves wealth and success though his determination to impress his lost love Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby meets Daisy at a country club while in the army. Daisy “dressed in white, and had a little white roadster, and all day long the telephone rang in her house and excited young officers form Camp Taylor demanded the privilege of monopolizing her that night” (Fitzgerald 74). Gatsby was one of these officers and caught the eye of Daisy. Fitzgerald meets Zelda in a similar manner, providing more evidence that Fitzgerald's characters were inspired by his life events. Fitzgerald and Gatsby share more than romantics, they share a conflict that must be resolved in order to earn their date’s hand in marriage. Fitzgerald’s character Gatsby leaves Daisy to go to the war. He realizes that because he is not rich and established he will never be able to marry Daisy. After succeeding in the war, Gatsby's infatuation with Daisy and his determination to succeed leads him to make millions through high class organized crime. Gatsby achieves success and live an extravagant lifestyle in an attempt to impress Daisy and win her back. This romantic idea of becoming successful to be with someone you love was lifted from almost directly Fitzgerald’s own experiences with Zelda. Fitzgerald was was engaged to Zelda in 1919, but the proposal ended quickly because Zelda feared that Fitzgerald would not be able to support her. However, shortly after moving to New York City in 1920 Fitzgerald published his first novel This Side of Paradise. The book was an instant success. Fitzgerald told his publisher Maxwell Perkins that "I have so many things dependent on its success—including of course a girl” (Reisman 54). With his new success, Fitzgerald was able to to prove to Zelda that he would be able to provide for her.

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