
Search For Meaning In Cloudstreet

Decent Essays

The characters in Cloudstreet are all connected by their search for meaning. Discuss.
• Not only are the characters connected by search for direction in life and the personal journeys each of them are embarking on but they are also connected by their fate in either God or the shifty shadow and the grief and suffering they have endured, connection between self and place. Their journey can be seen as a journey towards reconciliation.
• Self and place is a theme explored by Winton throughout the novel, all characters gain some kind of sense of identity and belonging from the house as their search for meaning comes to an end, a spiritual force being fish and the aboriginal man helps to guide some characters home to where they belong.
• The lambs …show more content…

“The blade turn and turns, slow, slower and Lester thinks – is this all there is to it? Just chance, luck, the spin of the knife? Isn’t there a pattern at all; a plan?”(pg 166)
Lester is spinning the knife with Fish and he begins to wonder about the design of fate and whether a higher power is guiding them. The Lambs have been embittered with religion and their faith in God, even though it’s harder to shake it off than they realised and they find themselves still reading the bible at night. However, Lester starts seeing things from Sam’s perspective: perhaps lady luck, the shifty shadow, the hairy hand, is what guides them. He starts feeling hopeless and this is the beginning of his search for meaning.

“Luck doesn’t change, love. It moves” (pg 20)
Lester says this to Rose at the hospital after his accident. We are instantly introduced to a dominant theme that surfaces throughout the entire novel: luck. Sam believes that luck is what decides for them, that hard work and determination play no part in the outcome. He believes that, by following the shifty shadow of luck, by feeling your way, you can become a winner, although more often than not, Sam’s a loser. Sam starts to see the Lambs working hard and making their own

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