
Sears Mission Statement

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Problem or Need
Prior the 1980’s, Sears Holding Corporation (SHLD) managed to generate revenue and compete among the top retailers in America (Kim, 2014). SHLD’s current financial status reveals that they are failing to maintain profitability. Having worked with SHLD for over two years, I have noticed a slow decline in profits. The main reasons for SHLD mishaps are due to a lack of a satisfactory mission statement (Sears Holding Corp, 2014), increased competition, insufficient marketing tools and lack of bargaining power. All of these elements play a part in SHLD loss of profits.
Research Basis
SHLD profitability problem goes beyond person opinion and first-hand experience. The level of research needed to find solutions will require scholarly …show more content…

Although SHLD is attempting to cut costs and capitalize off of their newly appointed loyalty program, the company continues to manufacture quarterly losses (Sharf, 2014). Their lack of profitability stems from an inadequate mission statement, increased competition, inadequate marketing and lack of bargaining power. However, all of these aspects can be fixed to ensure that SHLD becomes profitable again. This is why research needs to be completed. I need to research ways combat competition, revitalize their marketing approach and increase their bargaining power. Furthermore, I need to ensure that SHLD’s modified mission statement provides guidelines for the entire organization to follow. Once all of these aspects of SHLD are fixed, I will present my results to my General Manager of SHLD eastern region. Prior to presenting a formal report to my General Manager, I plan to excavate information from sources as follows: Wall Street Journal, Forbes, ABC news and much more. In addition to periodicals, I will use UMUC’s Library to extract financial trends and statistics. Moreover, I plan to conduct interviews with general and store managers from Sears and K-Mart stores to retrieve their reactions to SHLD current financial

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