The second day of observations began in the special education resource classroom. The special education teacher was absent, and a substitute teacher was covering the class. During the observation the student was participating in a small group reading lesson. The student seemed to do well participating in the lesson during the first four minutes of the observation. The substitute teacher had to stop the lesson to tend another student in the classroom. During this time the student exhibited the problem behavior five times. The student made three negative comments to the peer sitting next to her at the table. The student then left her seat to go to the trashcan, and while she was up, she made a negative facial expression to another student
1. Describe the organization and physical setting of the classrooms you observed. Pay particular attention to safety and accessibility, the physical arrangement of the room, the classroom environment and appearance (Danielson 2e):
1. The only change in the classroom was all of the children special notes from their parents, "My child is Special because" The teacher posted them on all them were posted on the door.
Today was my first day in my elementary education field placement, which was in Kindergarten. I did not know what to expect in the Kindergarten classroom, so I went with my knowledge learned from my textbooks. The classroom was a warm and inviting room that made you feel happy and comfortable. The classroom was filled with brightly colored posters that pertained to many different academic content such as a number line, an alphabet, a calendar, different vin diagram charts, how to make words by letters chart, math procedures, ways to read, need to know words, how to sound out words, and a behavior chart. The room was like a magic learning palace.
Prior to my observation, I was eager to have an opportunity to observe a class for an entire school day. While I certainly have a background working in school settings, I have never been able to focus on understanding and evaluating the different aspects of the school day. For my observation, I was placed in an inclusive fourth grade class. Two co-teachers ran the class of eighteen students.
During the observation of Morning Meeting, I noticed that my mentor teacher separated the children by gender when the calendar helper counted the number of boys and the girls in the classroom. My mentor teacher asked the calendar helper to have either the boys or girls stand up first to be counted. When the children are getting ready to go outside or to the bathroom, the teacher has also the boys and girls in separate lines. I felt that there were other characteristics for the teacher to separate the children. For example, she could she could have asked the children stand up or line up based on their eye color, hair color, the color of their clothing, their favorite animal, or even the first letter of their name. If my teacher broadened the
Classroom Two is also an Elementary special day class Ms. Lopez is the teacher, she has been teaching for 5 years. She has a Masters with her special education credential. She is Bilingual she speaks English and Spanish. The children she services have speech and language impairment and on the spectrum for Autism. The classroom ratio is one adult to two children. She had two instructional aide and 6 children in the classroom.
unyard is educated in a Special Class placement. Junyard was observed during a Math lesson that included whole class instruction and individual seatwork. He mainstreamed into the general education classroom.
At the end of the lesson Students are going to be able to describe where they live using the verb "vivir" and "tener" in Spanish. During unit two, they been using the these verbs and in the beginning of the lesson they answer the "Do NOw" activity where I asked then: ?Donde tu vives? They answer the question in Spanish and used the verb in the correct tense. After that, they answer a listening question where they had to identify the part of the house using the vocabulary proposed at the beginning of the lesson. Finally, they started a project where they had to create a Floor plan and describe their ideal house. For this activity, they have to use the verb "tener" in present tense. The completion of these activities ensures the acquisition of the new vocabulary and the verbs tense. It is important to mention, that this lesson will continue next week because students need more time to complete their DOL activity.
First, do you enjoy teaching others? If so, teach something for which you have a deep passion.
For this assignment, I chose to observe an afterschool program session with ETSS at their North I site. ETSS is a local nonprofit organization, whose mission is to be the focal point of integration for immigrants, refugee families, and low income individuals in Central Ohio in order to improve the quality of their lives, to facilitate their integration through education, training, supportive services, and self-development opportunities, and to increase the awareness of their culture and heritage in Central Ohio. This site hosts children from the Nepali community, ages 6-18. I chose to observe this site the first week of April. I was first introduced to ETSS this past program
Sleep, attention, learning, and memory all go hand-in-hand when trying to improve the ability to learn and remember things. First of all, getting adequate sleep is beneficial in many ways. According to the National Sleep Foundation, adequate sleep for people age 18-25 is 7-9 hours per night. Getting enough sleep allows a person to have more energy to do daily tasks such as going to class and learning. The more sleep you get, the more awake and focused you will be during the day. Focusing your attention is also an important aspect of learning and remembering. Attentional focus basically means focusing on the things relevant to the task at hand and suppressing distractions. If you do not get enough sleep, your attentional focus will be decreased
Another student that I observed was always doing something that he wasn’t supposed to be doing. On the first day of my observations, the boy walked into the classroom late, without a backpack, and completely disrupted the class from doing their work. While observing the boy, I noticed that he had not picked up his pencil once to do his classwork, and when he was told to do his work, he would yell at the teachers and interrupt the students. To distract the boy from distracting other students, the teachers allowed him to color pictures and do other activities. When the science teacher came into the class to teach them a lesson, the boy kept distracting the class and kept getting up and walking around the classroom. He then started to draw on
The following data was gathered while fulfilling duties as a principal intern at Theresa Bunker Elementary School. The data was observed during five to seven minutes of classroom observation as part of a walk-through in the spring of the current school year. My cooperating supervisor for my internship was able to go on these walk-throughs with me in order to have a productive reflection meeting afterwards. This elementary school has two of each grade level from Kindergarten to sixth grade. Since it was more feasible in this small school setting, I actually was able to do a walkthrough in eight classes. Here I will report my observations from five of those walk-throughs. As I went in to each room I was looking for four
Classroom observation is a main approach of teaching research. Scholars or researchers use video to record the real whole class and observe the teachers and students’ actions, words and the efficiency in the class. Though the observation, they analyze what approach is more suitable. This paper will select video 5 and video 3 as the material to do the classroom observation. Different aspects such as teachers’ responds, questions, instructions notes and students’ behavior will be addressed to analyze the efficacy of this class.
Conducting classroom observations are very important to the prospective teacher. Observing helps show how experienced teachers manage their classroom. For this observation it was important to notice how the classroom was arranged, how the teacher interacted with the students, the teacher’s management style, and interview the teacher.