
Second Hand Dad: Movie Analysis

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As I watched the stories of individuals and families dealing with death, one particular thread struck me as particularly important in these movies and in a person’s life— the role of close relationships. Throughout all of the movies that we watched, relationships became increasingly important influences at the end of one’s life, taking the form of both family and close friend relationships. Over all else, it has been shown through research and demonstrated in antidotal form that our relationships with one another has the potential to determine the quality of one’s life as they move towards old age.
The movie Second Hand Lions chronicled an unexpected summer where the nephew Walter lived with his uncles Garth and Hub. From the special relationship with Walter that Garth and Hub developed, to the personal relationship to the lion that was formed, this movie demonstrates how deep …show more content…

In the movie Dad, there were also some turmoil in relationships, resulting in less social support early in the movie. As Josh’s relationship with his dad got better, the change in personality created also created distance between the wife and the grandpa. This stress in close relationships was changing but was present throughout most of the movie. There has been research done on the relationships between adult children and their aging parents that show that adult children can be a large resource for support and even a form of an attachment figure for an older adult (Merz, Schuengel & Schulze, 2008). Through the reconciliation of both of these relationships, the grandpa could die a more peaceful death knowing that he had the unconditional love and support of all of his

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