
Second Industrial Revolution: John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, And Cornelius Vanderbilt

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The 2nd Industrial Revolution was a period in time where breakthroughs of inventions were further based off of science and engineering. Certain innovations included the use of oil, the production of steel, and the construction of railroads. The time the United States faced this transformation was roughly between 1870s through the 1914s. Three important and influential men that played major roles during this stage were John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and Cornelius Vanderbilt. The time period was changed immensely by these men.

John D. Rockefeller owned Standard Oil. He used integration that was both horizontal and vertical in order to obtain control of the oil industry. Standard Oil developed companies that marketed and distributed its products and creations and also bought refineries that were rivals. Standard Oil became a trust given the fact that they forced smaller companies to surrender. During the beginning of Standard Oil, the reason for its success was because of the favorable industry and economic conditions and because of Rockefeller's desire and drive to streamline the company's operations. Even though Standard Oil provided the public with jobs, John D. Rockefeller's impact on this revolution was not too positive. The people and Congress eventually noticed and …show more content…

He used vertical integration to dominate the steel industry. During the late 1800s, the Carnegie Steel Company was most profitable industrial enterprise in the world. Even though Carnegie did not invent steel and the processes that he used were brought over from other places of the world, including Europe, it is an exceptional popular opinion that Carnegie invented the American Steel Industry. Carnegie was able to create steel at a fair price which was beneficial to America at the time. Countless bridges and buildings were capable of being constructed. This behooved the people in that it led to an economic boom which allowed more jobs

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