
Security of Pipelines in Eurasia Essay

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Introduction The geopolitics in Eurasia along with the implications of energy security as well as the risks and opportunities it creates for the U.S. is understood when the layers of conflict and negotiations are analyzed through the various topics that affect international policies. Through the concepts based on energy, politics, security pipelines in Eurasia, international transit integration, and the energy world order, can the conceptual argument be made that natural resources are temporary allocations and not solutions to energy or security. The research and material covered through The Politics of Energy Security as a course, exposes and substantiates why the geopolitics in Eurasia are only business opportunities and offer no final …show more content…

The U.S. has established military bases that are positioned closed to areas with resources, such as oil fields. Additionally, the occupation of Afghanistan is another strategy in energy security, where the U.S. felt threatened and has established military bases. It is ideally situated in the Middle East, and it is bordering many neighboring populations that serve the interests of the American global quests for energy security within the context of geopolitical, economic, and environmental challenges that it has been debating since the 1970’s oil crisis (Pascual, & Elkind, 2010, p.1). Areas of interest next to Iraq are Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Iran. Additionally, Afghanistan borders Iran and Pakistan. These areas of conflict and political conversation make the move of the U.S. an opportunity to expand their energy security. These governments cannot find the strength to keep order in their regions; thus, the U.S. gains from their chaos or it may have negative implications as these regions may grow tired of the U.S. intervening in their once sovereign lands. The approach to uncovering the evidence of geopolitics in Eurasia in regards to energy and security includes the effects of western influence on communication through negations. These actions take place as a result of energy trends, international politics, and how they are interconnected through energy uses that affect the structure of international systems, which are some of the “theoretical and empirical

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