
Selby Movie Psychology

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“I care for you Selby! I love you!!” A statement I would have never thought would come out of the mouth of “Lee” or Aileen Wuornos when she first walked into the bar and met Selby Wall at the beginning of the movie. When Aileen was first introduced at the beginning of the movie, you could definitely tell she had a rough past, she wasn’t wearing any makeup, her hair was all frizzy, and we had just got a glimpse of her under an underpass holing her revolver. Aileen was not a very ordinary women, you could tell she had more of a masculine physique than most other women, she had more of a negative demeanor about herself at first, but she looked like she was taking the place of the rock in a rock in a hard place. She claimed to John Does that she had kids down in Miami that she was trying to get to, but we never saw them. Selby was that young girl that had good intentions and she was nice to people, but she just didn’t fit in. When her parents exiled her to a separate part of the house, due to the fact she was accused of trying to kiss another girl, Selby just wanted to be a rebel and go out and have fun. Since Selby was sort of drug along with Aileen’s “let’s just go party” escapade their were some …show more content…

When Aileen began to question Corey, he got upset and ended up beating her, tying her up and raping her. This is what our textbook shows us as the “victim precipitation theory- the idea that the victims behavior was the spark that ignited the subsequent offense, as when the victim is abused by the offender physically or verbally.” I don’t think Aileen planned to kill him, but he was definitely abusing her and tried to intentionally hurt her, I legitimately think she killed Corey completely for the reason of self-defense. After stealing his car and cleaning up the mess, she didn’t really know what to do, but that experience definitely scarred

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