Seung Hui Cho the Virginia Tech shooter suffered from selective mutism, according to a The Washington Post article, “Unknown to Va. Tech, Cho Had a Disorder.” Selective mutism is the inability to speak in specific situations or to specific people, due to social anxiety. Even before Cho was a student at Virginia Tech he was diagnosed with this severe anxiety disorder, by the public-school system. Cho was placed in special education to help with the disorder, a fact that was never reported to Virginia Tech. While in special education Cho learned to speak openly about his fears associated with the anxiety. Once he was out of public- school, Cho did not seek out continuing help for his condition. Cho exhibited many different disturbing behaviors
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A tragic incident that stands out took place in April of 2007, at Virginia Tech University. Student Seung Hui Cho shot and killed 32 people and injured 17 others before he committed suicide. Seung Hui Cho had a history of mental illness and was prohibited to own a firearm, but he still managed to acquire two weapons. Another example takes place in Tucson, AZ at a grocery store while a congressional sponsored event took place. Jared Loughner shot and killed 6 people and injured 13
Non-ideological active shooters are more likely to conduct mass shootings based upon personal grievances, like the two shooters who conducted the mass shootings at Columbine High School. It would be unreasonable to attempt a prediction of which type (ideological or non-ideological) of active shooter is a more relevant threat to an Air Force organization, however, the AFSNCOA is an educational environment where students commonly communicate their grievances. Ideological and non-ideological active shooters can be further analyzed to determine similar behaviors, qualities or characteristics.
He believed that waging a war between races was the right thing to do. Any sane person would be able to tell that waging war is wrong in this aspect. However, due to the Anti-social Personality Disorder, Charles Manson was unable to see the error in his ways. Also, those with Anti-social Personality Disorder then to exploit those around them. In the case of Manson, he manipulated his followers into committing murder for him by using religion. This trait could also be connected to the superiority complex that is often found in those with Anti-social Personality Disorder. Those with this disorder may consider themselves superior to those around them. This was evident in Manson as he claimed to be both the reincarnation of Jesus Christ and Satan. This sense of superiority over his followers allowed Manson to manipulate them as he saw fit and continuously fueled his delusions of grandeur. Manson fit other symptoms that fit this disease as well. Manson undoubtedly has Anti-social Personality Disorder.
An out-of-body experience is explained by few as a sense of being detached from one’s body, and if associated with other factors like a sense that the world is not real, far away, or even foggy. This with the combination of failure to recall significant personal information, or the content of a meaningful conversation forgotten from one second to the next are signs of a psychological disorder known as Dissociative Disorder. Considered as a rare and mysterious psychiatric curiosity, Dissociative Disorders will be the psychological disorder that will be discussed in this paper.
He later stated that he hated African Americans so he killed them out of hate and that he was “trying to ignite a race war” (Navarro). The next trait is social, which include being anti-social, failing at love or school, or being bullied. Christopher Sean Harper‐Mercer was the gunman at the Umpqua community college shooting in Oregon. After the shooting, his neighbors reported that they never saw Mercer with any friends or girlfriends and that he would always sit outside on the balcony with very little light (Mai-Duc). In the emotional side, they see themselves as victims and they have no remorse or regret.
Most of the recent shootings seem to be contagious as their shooters’ plans and motives are almost all quite alike. These shooters have set a “stereotypical shooter” profile. They are typically male, white, and around the age of 20. Of all the mass shootings, only one was done by a woman (Mass Shootings in the U.S.). They are usually quite smart, part of a middle class family, and are normally quiet, lonely, and introverted. They are almost always socially awkward and have few-no friends. Yet, no one expects them to kill others as they are quiet. These shooters keep everything to themselves which may be one of the reasons why they are full of hatred. Often, they consider suicide, yet they refuse to talk to any sort of counselor. They are almost always constantly on a computer, frequently playing violent video games. Their shooting plan is almost always pre-meditated far in advance. They plan to make their shooting “great” and to ‘gain fame’ for their mass shooting. After the shooting, most commonly, they kill themselves.
Since the late 1970’s, there has been a strong correlation between mental health disorders and the perpetrators of mass shootings. “Up to 60% of the perpetrators have displayed symptoms including acute paranoia, delusions and depression before committing their crimes” (Metzl & Macleish, 2015). In the case of Adam Lanza, infamously known for the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, the history of his mental illnesses is quite extensive. However, it has been discovered that when it comes to mental illnesses, it is not influenced by one factor, but rather many factors that have integrated into the individual’s life (Sue, 2014). These factors began affecting Lanza’s life at only two years old, continuing throughout his lifetime until his heinous act of murder at the age of twenty. Throughout his
How does sensory processing disorder affect learning? Sensory input plays an important role in learning. The effect of and impact of sensory processing difficulties are not fully understood or researched. Play helps children learn cooperation skills, appropriate social skills, conflict resolution, and about friendships. However, research has shown the correlation between sensory processing, play, and learning is unclear and inconsistent. (Watts, Stagnitti, & Brown, 2014). This is the second reason for the controversy surrounding sensory processing disorder. There is no clear cut or valid proof that sensory processing difficulties effect learning. Parents of children with sensory processing difficulties will disagree. There children struggle every day with things that typical developing children can perform without any difficulty or thought. Treatment for sensory processing disorder is limited and extremely expensive for parents. Treatment for sensory processing disorder involves a “sensory diet” which is an individual plan designed to help the individual function. (Delaney, 2008). Typical
As Cole (2007) states in his article “In hindsight, there were signs that Cho might be a threat to himself and possibly others, including complaints as far back as 2005 by two female students who reported receiving inappropriate messages from Cho” (Para. 4). Family of Eduardo Sencion had reported his violent and paranoid behavior to police two years prior to his shooting spree. Police had responded to an incident at his home but no actions were taken nor were any firearms removed from the home (Citizens Crime Commission, 2013). So the question becomes how to limit or deny access to firearms to those diagnosed with severe mental illness.
One of the most deadly shooting rampage in U.S history (CNN USA) Twenty- three-year old Virginia tech gunman named Seung Hui Cho had been relentlessly teased and bullied throughout middle school and high school. Seung Hui Cho was extremely angry with his classmates and went on a rampage. He felt more rage against his classmates who were wealthier and when the shooting occurred he went against the rich. Cho makes a statement saying the reason he shot and killed was due to the fact he thought they were “brats” and “snobs.” The real reason Seung Hui Cho went on a rampage is due to his own insecurities about his upbringing and feeling shame about his parents who ran a dry-cleaning business, and felt that the reason he was being bullied at school was because he came from a lower socioeconomic family. “Seung Hui Cho also felt his race played a large role in his bullying, many racial comments were projected towards Seung Hui Cho, till it pushed him towards a rampage”
There is an assumption that if you understand the minds of serial killers, or persons who commit mass shootings, that it may help prevent mass shootings. “Mass shootings are not on the rise, but have held steady over three decades, randomly clustering in time to trick our brains into finding a pattern of increase where none actually exists” (Shermer 3). Mass shootings happen at varying times without rhyme or reason. Some think that a psychological disorder or some genetic defect could be the reason people commit these crimes. Although we cannot prevent mass shootings, we can educate on how mental health issues can be a precursor to such a tragedy, and how better laws can create a safer environment.
On April 16, 2007 at Virginia Tech University, a student shot 32 people and committed suicide after the massacre. Seung-Hui Cho was mentally ill and was suffering from depressed. Even though his mental health was an issue he bought two guns at an unlicensed gun show that did not administered a background check on him (Gun Control Reform 1).
Emotional wellness issues have been frequently shown another big cause of these shootings. Most school shooters were mentally sick or demonstrated side effects of psychological wellness issues. An opportunity for mental and psychiatric help could help stop these shootings. According to, ¨, from 2011 and 2013, more people believe that mass shootings result from a failure of the mental-health system than from easy access to guns. Eighty per cent of the population believes that mental illness is at least partially to
In the past decades there has been an increase of violence in the schools. This increase causes fear among students, teachers, parents, and all Americans. The deadliest act of school violence was the massacre at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, when a student opened fire and killed Thirty-two students and teachers while wounding seventeen. On April 16, 2007, Seung Hui Cho, opened fire on two students killing both of them. He then fled the building. Police responded to the first incident and determined it was an isolated homicide and that the gunman fled the state. Two hours later, Cho returned with two handguns and entered Norris hall which was filled with classrooms. He chained