
Selfishness In Lord Of The Flies Analysis

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When people think of a beast, a few ideas may come to mind. The monster that lives under your bed, a creature with fangs, or abomination waiting in the dark. But how often does one consider that the scariest beast may be humans themselves? In Sir WIlliam Golding’s novel “The Lord of the Flies,” boys stranded on a remote island are terrorized by a beast, similarly to some children and even adults in the real world. However, the events and actions of Jack and Ralph in Golding’s novel illustrate that the beast is really humans themselves, and their unending selfishness throughout the story. Perhaps the most obvious example of selfishness in the novel is the prolonged conflict between Ralph and Jack. Ralph, who was fairly elected at the beginning of the book, wants to stay in power as chief and keep Jack out of power, while Jack wants to win over the tribe by appealing to the boys. Ralph resents Jack, and eventually Jack decides to start his own tribe, without Ralph. Jack holds a feast with pork, which Samneric attend. At first, Ralph does not care, and says ”’Let them go, I don't care’” (Golding 148). However, Ralph demonstrates selfish behavior when his beast, selfishness, goes against Ralph’s extreme hatred for Jack and gives in to his desire for meat when he attends Jack's feast.
The novel similarly shows the abuse of the weak for one’s own benefit. Jack is the abuser of Piggy throughout the book, but violently shows his tribes selfish need to steal Piggy’s glasses. Jack

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