
Separation And Divorce : Common Phenomena

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Separation and divorce are common phenomena in the community today, but still represent one of the major life stressor for most individuals involved, with a strong negative consequences for the physical and mental health of all members within the family. When parents separate from their children, the children experience the loss or reduction of their family unit and the security that comes with it. Separation can destabilize the inclination that the globe or the world is safe and predictable. For young people and children, particularly younger children, the family is their world. It is the fundamental structure for providing the emotional, physical and social framework they need to develop an understanding of who they are. Children might face many losses including the loss of the family they once knew, they may loose time with parent, extended family, their family home, a pet, they may even move from one neighborhood to another, change schools which means loss of familiar friends or group and even their closest friends. During those periods of separation, the children develop some strong emotions such as fear, sadness, uncertainty, anger, confusion etc Attachment and separation has been a major aspect in every individual’s life. For this purpose Bowlby with other researchers have done a lot of researches to tell and educate us about attachment, separation and loss in an individual’s life especially in relation to their childhood. My research and peer-reviewed articles or

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