
Separation Of Church And State In The United States

Decent Essays

Separation of church and state should not be involved with any religion, or have any religion influence at all. A person can believe in any religion they want, as long as it does not invade other people’s rights. There are many Individuals who believe that the whole idea of separation of church and state has gone too far. The United States Government should not be associated with any type of religious beliefs. This topic has been important and looked through for so many years by the Supreme Court. It has been debated on countries religious freedoms. The First Amendment to our constitution is the most argued out of all of them because it states that no law will let religion take over the rights of the people.David Barton states pilgrims came …show more content…

At school or in special occasions like a spurs game or the super bowl we look up at the flag and we all recite the Pledge of Allegiance to show the small connection between church and state. “Under God” was put into the pledge of Allegiance until 1954 and “In God We Trust” was added later until 1956.The Treaty of Tripoli was between the North African Muslim nation and the United States in 1797. This Treaty states hat the government of the United States is not at all created on Christian religion. It was written under when Washington was president and was approved from the United States Senate under John Adams leadership. Because our nation was “not, in any sense, founded on Christian religion” we should not mix any type of Christian belief to our government. American citizens should not even expect the government to support Christian beliefs. There are a variety of religions in America. I have a friend who is Catholic. She is Buddhist. I have talked to her about her opinion of the separation of church and state. She really believes that there should be a great distance between the two because she does not want to be governed by laws she does not believe in …show more content…

If our past presidents like George Washington, James Madison, and John Adams would have wanted the government involved with religion, they would have done something about it and made it visible in the document that they govern us with today. “Jefferson believed that God, not government, was the Author and source of our rights and that the government, therefore, was to be prevented from interference with those rights.” In other words he stated that they should not control religious activities in public, and that they should control the power of the government instead to prohibit those expressions. The First Amendment states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise there of.” The ones who created the documents and the main part of our government wanted the government of the United States to function without religious influence. Another reason why the government should not make any decisions based on religion is because not everyone has the same beliefs, or believes in the same

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