
Seperation of Government and Religion Essay

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Faith groups and institutions should not be allowed to form political parties and they should not attempt to gain influence in the workings of government for their views and values by entering the realm of political discourse and attempting to elect their own politicians.
Throughout our history there has been an ongoing argument between religion and government. Should religion play a part in the government, schools and other social compasses or should it be separated? Some believe that religion should be a part of the government while others believe that there should be a distinct separation. Some believe that religions should be able to influence the workings of the government and attempt to elect their own politicians. I believe the …show more content…

We are supposed to be the motherland of tolerance and freedom of differences. In America there are approximately 67 million Roman Catholics; 16 million Protestants; five million Mormons; and five million and a quarter non-Christians (Clausen, 2007). This is a small indication of the differences that America inspires. It shows some of the different religions in our country and that religion shouldn’t be pushed on others. There isn’t a way for the government and faith groups to be intertwined in a way that will respect the abundance of religions in America. The only way I see to accomplish that is to separate it as we have been doing. Our society cannot respect all religions if there is only one that the government follows and includes within their decisions. The separation is a statement that religions are equal in the eyes of our countries leaders and our government.
It is claimed that religion possess equal validity. As stated by Bellah “if the primary contribution of religion to society is through the character and conduct of citizens, any religion, large or small, familiar or strange, can be of equal value to one another (Clausen, 2007). To me, this quote means that it shouldn’t matter what religion our neighbors and fellow citizens practice but rather how we conduct ourselves and treat others. We need to respect one another’s beliefs and thoughts. To be

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