
Serial Killer Fandom Essay

Decent Essays

From what I’ve seen throughout my research on the self named “serial killer fandom” there are several different sections of it. The first section i came across was hybristophiliacs people who are interested in the knowledge that their partner has committed a crime, in this case murder. The next section would be people who are close to the community, instead in a community that often has an overlap, I was told that this group refers to themselves as the “true crime community” or TCC for short. The final part that I found is teenage girls, this is the group that this paper will go into the most detail on later in the paper.
The hybristophiliacs seem not to care about the opinion of people on their interest in serial killers. A member of this community (I’ll call them A4 for the sake of their privacy) stated “People say stuff they don't mean when they're experiencing high emotions like loss. Also, I just don't have empathy like normal people so I don't actually care what they have to say to me”. I came across another post on the website tumblr (the largest home …show more content…

My current hypothesis has to do with the fact that they are common victim types of serial killers like the ones they idolize. This group has an overlap with the hybristophiliacs. Because these girls are similar to common victim types they attempt to turn it into a story rather than a reality. Once they turned it into fiction in their minds the weight of the situation begins to disappear and the reality of the crime is removed. Once this has happened they treat it as a story or a work of fiction treating the killers as a character rather than a person who has committed a serious crime. When the killer becomes a character they turn them into the protagonist of the story rather than the antagonist. Because they are treated like the protagonist they believe it to be socially acceptable to do things like make jokes about it and put flower crowns on

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