
Serial Killer Research Paper

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Serial killers are hard to distinguish from other killers and in society because they are just like everyone else. They blend into society and live normal lives until they are ready for us to know about them or ready to be found. They take thrill in taking other life’s, they like to watch their victims die, they kill for the fun of it, normally have no connection to the victims, kill for sexual lust and profit. They often choose vulnerable victims for example, a prostitute since no one will really notice they went missing. 61% of the serial killer’s victims are from the killer’s local area. All though serial killers may be harder to find they do have identifying characteristics that help distinguish them from other people who kill. The Macdonald …show more content…

For example, when they see their crime being televised using media it makes them feel good that they are getting attention. One of the most common effects that serial killers share when growing up is rejection from parents or relatives. If they grow up with being rejected all the time they aren’t going to feel that love and comfort that they should get. They end up having a lack of conscience, don’t care about others, feel no remorse, only concerned about their own pleasure and have a low self-esteem. They tend to put the world into two groups, those they care about and then everyone else. For example, Kenneth Bianchi would be loving and kind to his wife, child, family and friends but would be vicious to those he considered unimportant to him. Early childhood development also plays a role in the development of serial killers like the Macdonald Triad. When growing up if they start fires, wet bed past the time when they shouldn’t be doing it anymore or animal cruelty, is an early development of a serial killer. For example, in the article “The Story of Jesse Pomeroy, 14-year-old serial killer,” he began to torture and kill small animals and his mother thought it was just a sign of his sadness since he got bullied a lot. He ended up growing up and became a young serial killer. All the signs were there but since he was bullied all the time …show more content…

When they first murder someone they are crossing the line between fantasy and reality. They take the lives of several victims over weeks, months or years. In the video, Book of Secrets-Serial Killers episode, they talked about how each time they commit a murder they end up getting better at it. When it comes to serial killers picking out their victims they normally target vulnerable victims. Like, runaways, prostitutes, homeless people, or patients in nursing homes and hospitals. They just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Depending on the serial killer and what they are looking for depends on who meets their needs or not. They may just be targeting males, females, old or young with specific features that meet their needs. For example, Ted Bundy would select women who physically resembled a girlfriend who had dumped him. Men and women serial killers normally take on different methods when it comes to killing their victims. Men tend to not care if things get messy unlike women who don’t want to get messy. Men normally kill by using firearms, strangulation and stabbing while women prefer to use poison since they prefer not to get

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