
Serial Killer Research Paper

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Criminal Minds A serial killer is defined as a person who has committed at least three murders with a dormant period of a minimum of thirty days (Simons). During this dormant period, the killer spends his time fantasizing about his next kill, sometimes even stalking his next target. Serial murder can be traced to over 125 years ago (Hamamoto). Of all the criminals in America, serial killers make up a small portion (Simons). The number of serial murder cases is on the decline (Quinet). Serial killers have certain physical and psychological characteristics in common. The three main types of serial killers are organized, disorganized, and mixed. Disorganized killers are usually high school drop outs, live alone, nocturnal, have secret hiding …show more content…

Until he was four years old, he was told his mom was his sister and his grandparents were his true parents. According to his teacher, he had an unpredictable teacher. At age fifteen, he was arrested for suspicion auto theft and burglary by juvenile authorities. The next year he was recognized by the police for catching a purse snatcher and even had a part-time job on a suicide hotline in college. Beneath his act though, his gory fantasies were brewing. In 1974, he murdered Linda Healy. Down the street from Linda, he had assaulted Susan Clarke (Newton). Multiple more victims went missing until they finally sentenced him to the electric chair on the account of two murders. It would take almost ten years and many attempts by Bundy to put off his execution, but they finally achieved justice. He admitted to thirty-six murders, but experts believe this number was over one hundred. Bundy was executed by electrocution at the Florida State Penitentiary on their electric chair called …show more content…

They feel inadequate and to make up for it, they create a fantasy that allows them to relieve their tension (Morana). They are filled with aggression (Knight). Aggression is an innate destructive force that is in constant need of release. Each kill delivers a temporary release from this inner tension. Their extreme violence is caused by insecurity and unstable fear (Aggarwaal). Edmund Kemper, a notorious serial killer, wrote, “It was an urge…A strong urge, and the longer I let it go the stronger it got, to where I was taking risks to go out and kill people, risks that normally, according to my little rules of operation, I wouldn’t take because they could lead to arrest”

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