
Setting Affects The Plot In The Gift By John Steinbeck

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In “The Gift” by John Steinbeck, the setting of the story affects the plot. The main character Jody lives in rural California, surrounded by mountains. It is the 1940’s in the season of fall. The setting is sometimes Jody’s friend, but usually it is adversarial.
The spacious, rural area and California mountains are a friendly advantage for Jody in the story. Jody’s family lives out in the middle of nowhere. Because of this, Jody has space to own and ride his pony Gabilan. When Jody is old enough to use his gun, he can shoot it anywhere he wants. Jody can also roam the land freely without disturbing anyone, whereas in the town he would bother the people trying to work. Jody loves living near the beautiful Gabilan mountains so much, he names

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