
Seven Deadly Sins Canterbury Tales Analysis

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It would seem that everyone is guilty of at least one of the seven deadly sins in some shape or form. The Pilgrims of The Canterbury Tales are not strangers to sin, and questionable motives that may or may not clash with their professions or individual stereotypes. The Canterbury Tales follows a group of pilgrims set out on a long journey to the Canterbury Cathedral in London. The characters, whom are supposed to follow certain rules and morals in the poem, can exhibit traits of the seven deadly sins, “transgressions which are fatal to spiritual progress.” (Shannon). The first notable sin is Anger, being defined as becoming angry at someone or something to the point that one can lose control over their actions and words. The pilgrim who …show more content…

The Wife of Bath is the most obvious pilgrim for this particular sin because of the fact that she has had multiple husbands, and perhaps even more men in her youth. “She had five husbands, all at the church door, apart from other company in youth;” (Chaucer 109).
The fifth sin is Envy, defined as wanting to be someone else because of the qualities and/or possessions a person has. Instead of honoring the life one has, they dishonor what they were given by being dissatisfied with it. The Nun can be found envious by her behavior. She wears makeup, although she shouldn’t be concerned about her physical appearance because she chose a life to help others. She does this in efforts to get attention from men, when nuns pledge themselves only to God. “Her nose was elegant, her eyes glass-gray; Her mouth was very small, but soft, and red. Her forehead, certainly, was fair of spread, almost a span across the brows, I own” (Chaucer 101).
The sixth sin is Gluttony, described as not being satisfied with what one has, and wanting more. The Summoner is a great example of the sin Gluttony because he eats and drinks until he cannot take anymore. He even carries garlic and onions on his person at all times because he enjoys them so much. “Garlic he loved, and onions too, and leeks, and drinking. Strong wine till all was hazy” (Chaucer 113).
The final sin is Pride, which is where

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