
Sex In A Totalitarian Society In 1984 By George Orwell

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1984 by George Orwell was a novel of a totalitarian society consisting of two main characters, Winston and Julia, who are eager for a normal life without the Party. The Party in a simpler form is their government that controls everything including normal human interactions. Winston worked in the record department for the ministry of truth and Julia worked as a machine operator in the fiction department also for the ministry of truth. In the novel they are stripped of their human rights and forced to only see them as wrong and told they are breaking the law if went against. Both Winston and Julia knew what was actually true because of the jobs that they had. The two characters put up a fight to be together and prove that what they are doing is not wrong at all but only human. In the end, after losing their battle, Winston and Julia are forced to agree with and love the Party and Big Brother. Essentially, the people of Oceania are brain washed. In 1984 George Orwell uses Winston and Julia to show how the views and depictions of normal life things like sex, love, and genders are twisted by the totalitarian society from what they are actually like and should be. One of the biggest subjects that is frowned upon in the society of Oceania and 1984 is sex. The totalitarian society forces people to believe that sex should only be done to have children for the Party and they are essentially deprived of the normal human nature. Parascondola says, “Patai points out that 1984

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