
Sex Offender Essay

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Sexual offenses, typically conducted with minors, are crimes when a person commits a crime involving a sexual act. Prevention strategies for sexual offending behavior have become increasingly important in the United States. The Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) provides a comprehensive set of minimum standards for sex offender registration and notification in the United States. It aims to close potential gaps and loopholes that existed under prior law and generally strengthens the nationwide network of sex offender registration and notification programs. California was the first state to pass the Sex Offender registration Law in 1946.
Section 2250 of Title 18, United States Code, makes it a federal offense for sex offenders …show more content…

Specialized supervision usually involves specifically trained probation and parole officers who manage caseloads of sexual offenders using specific supervision strategies that include special conditions of supervision, multidisciplinary collaboration with a treatment provider, and the use of global positioning systems, GPS, and polygraph. Studies of California high-risk sex offenders on parole found that those placed on GPS monitoring had lower recidivism rates than those who received traditional supervision. 516 high-risk parolees who had been released from prison between January 2006 and March 2009 were studied. Half of the parolees wore GPS monitoring devices and received traditional parole supervision, this involved regular contact by parole agents and weekly sex-offender treatment classes. The other half received only traditional parole supervision. Researchers tracked each parolee for one year following his initial parole date. The research showed that the members of the traditional group committed new crimes and had their parole revoked more often than did parolees in the GPS group. If that wasn’t enough, the traditional group returned to custody at a rate 38 percent higher than the GPS group. The cost analysis showed that in California, monitoring parolees using GPS costs approximately $35.96 a day per person, while the cost of traditional supervision is about $27.45 a

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