
Sex Trafficking In America

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The undergoing issue of sex trade and sex trafficking is going on and affecting underage girls selling their virginity's, sexual abuse and drug use is going on. As it is 2015 this is unacceptable and shouldn't’t be going on in third world countries nor first world countries like the USA and Canada where this is happening.
Sex trafficking is were women and children are lied to about a husband in a new country, better job or life style, when in reality they’re forced into sexual slavery. This violates human rights and also is very much against the law as most are then kidnapped or abused. Sex trade is consenting to the acts of, prostitution sexual intercourse or even phone sex. There is a difference but non the less are acceptable of which goes on behind doors. …show more content…

Would you want your daughter out on the street looking for men to take them back to their place? The underage sex trade had been happening for many years, yet we as a society haven’t stepped in and stopped this. They do this from most peer pressure and money for their families, so they feel the need to go out and do this. Sri Lanka has the highest percentage of child prostitution. Not only third world countries are being affected USA and Canada are coming fourth and fifth for the most child prostitution. In between is Thailand, were child sex tourism goes international which they're known for doing so. If this were to carry on, these girls will be introduced to drugs, violence, sexual and verbal abuse, and depression. There is an estimated 13 million children who are victims to sex trafficking. As they have no say and are underage this is an account of rape. Offering these young girls schooling, so they can earn money for there families better

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