
Sexism In Sociology

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and women sexual agency. Overall, sexual consent is represented in different forms regarding both males and females and plays a role in sexual violence. Secondly, the role of rape culture in sexual violence in today society. Fraser (2015) writes that to understand rape culture is to understand the concept of ambivalent sexism that is composed of two types of sexism: hostile and benevolent sexism. Understanding these types of sexism is crucial to understand rape culture because of the structure allows sexual violence against women, like benevolent sexism and misogyny is associated with sexism. Benevolent sexism is the foundation of how the rape culture put women in a position of low agency and it continued to be put there. Fraser (2015) defines …show more content…

The nature of ambivalent sexism is opposing the components that stem for the assumptions that is vital to rape culture and finds a ways to favour and protect women as a class. Fraser (2015) declares that to trace back of rape culture it to go back to source and make more capable to treat because benevolent sexism is favourable to women and complements hostile sexism the helps with the resistance of women and gender inequality. Fraser (2015) argues that man’s ambivalent treatments towards women underlines rape culture and create a paradigm where men assume agency for the women. Men usually dehumanized women and associated women with animals and objects. The association of women and animal allows for men to make the association and are more likely to rape or sexually harass a woman. They are most likely to express victim-blaming or attitude toward women who have survived rape. Fraser (2105) confirms that “participants did not generally show a tendency to associated women with objects, when men did harbor this association, they also reported a greater willingness to engage in rape” (p. 152). Fraser (2015) observes that the behaviours and attitude that influence rape culture is relate to dehumanization of women. Fraser (2015) defines dehumanization “treating women as tool for women own purposes, as if there is no need to show concern for women feeling and experiences” (p.

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