
Sexual Assault And Rape Essay

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Sexual assault can happen to anyone. It is not restricted by age, gender identity, or even sexual orientation. The FBI’s Uniform Crime Report finally redefined rape in 2012 as; “The penetration no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the person”(Sarah LeTrent, CNN). The key word here is consent. That being said, there still seems to be an underrepresentation of male victims. Yes, a man can be raped. The reason it may not be talked about is because it is still considered a taboo subject, especially in our society which still dictates that stereotypes concerning masculinity define men. An individual can be raped through physical force, and emotional or psychological manipulation. Although we are becoming more aware of this type of crime, there is still a lot of confusion on how a man can be the victim of such a heinous atrocity. When a man is raped by another man, confusion and shame tend to be the most common feelings described. Why is this so? Well, the reason is that during the act, the victim may experience an erection, or they may even ejaculate. This causes the victim to not only blame themselves, but also reconsider their sexual orientation. The victims, especially male …show more content…

Physical and medical problems include, but are not limited to, torn and abraded rectal and anal tissue, and possible exposure to STDs(Sexually Transmitted Diseases) and STIs(Sexually Transmitted Infections). Physical reactions to the physical damage can include nausea, loss of appetite, disturbed sleep schedules, and loss of memory and concentration. Possible psychological problems include shame and guilt, depression, anger and anxiety, fear, withdrawal from relationships, loss of self-respect, flashbacks to the attack, and even the development of PTSD(Post-Traumatic Stress

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