
Sexual Double Standards

Satisfactory Essays
Open Document

Kyl Bempah Jr
Third Submission
Question: Why are women demeaned and vilified for promiscuous sexual behavior, yet men who display the same characteristics are seen as praiseworthy and worth emulating?
1. Allison, R., & Risman, B. J. (2013). A double standard for “Hooking Up”: How far have we come toward gender equality?. Social Science Research, 42(5), 1191-1206.
This research paper details the transition of opinion over the years towards the sexual double standard, particularly of repeated instances of “hooking up” and having multiple sporadic partners in college students. It especially focuses on how the double standard has changed in terms of prevalence and the view point that those being interviewed had (whether they were conservative, …show more content…

Rudman, L. A., Fetterolf, J. C., & Sanchez, D. T. (2013). What motivates the sexual double standard? More support for male versus female control theory. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39(2), 250-263.
This thesis approaches my topic from a different point of view, from a philosophical standpoint of power based in gender. In the document they discuss the male control theory and contrast it to the female control theory. This provides some external clarification on the question on where these misconceptions are formed and helps explain where society as a whole obtained them …show more content…

In this study promiscuous men were regarded more harshly than promiscuous women were, while those shaming were regarded worse when they were shaming women. In addition, women were believed to be shamed for less extreme sexual activity compared to men. I feel that including this is interesting as it gives my topic a more bi-partisan view to have contrasting view on the subject.
4. England, P., & Bearak, J. (2014). The sexual double standard and gender differences in attitudes toward casual sex among US university students. Demographic Research, 30, 1327.
This research paper details the opinion of college students towards the idea of casual sex. It makes a point to differentiate based on gender to compare and contrast how the different sexes view this topic and then proceeds to ask something similar to my point of inquiry. This article mentions a fact that seems forgotten both by me and by the other articles, which is despite how we feel about the social aspect of sex none of the other article mention how people feel about the concept of casual sex itself as either a positive or negative activity.
5. Smith, D. J. (2007). Modern marriage, men's extramarital sex, and HIV risk in southeastern Nigeria. American Journal of Public Health, 97(6),

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