
Sexual Objectification

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The Effects of Sexualisation and Objectification on body image
One of the biggest issues with the sexual objectification of women in the new media is its accessibility; as advertisements in new media are public information, this means that they are omnipresent. Long-term exposure to negative images of women set the infrastructure for the negative effects of self-body image in adulthood by normalising the act of sexualisation, objectification and male sexual violence, especially for a large section of the audience who have access to the media are children and adolescents who are easily influenced; this applies to both male and female readers.
In a research conducted by the Penn State University, both male and female participants were shown sexually suggestive ads and non-suggestive ads. It was found that not only were both genders more inclined to look at magazines and other forms of media when exposed to suggestive ads, particularly in comparison to those that showed only content and designs; male subjects were also more accepting of voyeuristic behaviour after exposure to suggestive ads than to non-suggestive ads. This proves that sexual objectification in the media is indeed effective in attracting public attention. It was concluded that seemingly innocuous sexually-suggestive ads can lead to negative female self-conceptions.
It is noted that the representation of women in the media are often extremely uniform, sharing a similar set of characteristics/features: large

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